We are so excited to have John Linney, Executive Director of Impact Coaching and Speaking as our presenter for our first virtual meeting of 2021!
A Positively Fun Workplace Climate
"A positive and fun workplace culture increases productivity, learning, and innovation (and, no, you don’t have install a pinball machine, yoga balls, or ping pong tables). Creating a positive workplace starts inside every team member. Being kind to ourselves, finding joy, appreciating others, and improving workplace relationships reduces conflict, anxiety, fatigue and can cure Zoom Zombies. You can have these results whether your work is done in person or online. So. let’s have some fun!"
John Linney (M.A.), Executive Director of Impact Associates, is an international speaker, trainer and author. As a “climate specialist,” he has provided services and training to over 400 educational institutions, foundations, community partnerships, and organizations in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, & Northern Ireland. John has worked in public and private schools and colleges and as a youth development and organizational climate educator. In recent years, he has worked on improving school climates, integrating full service community schools, youth engagement, and bullying and violence prevention for staff, students and parents.
Cost: $5 for chapter members, $10 for guests
You must register and pay by 10:00 am MT to ensure you receive the Zoom Link on time. The link will be sent in a separate email the morning of the event.
This session will be submitted for one (1) SHRM and HRCI certification credit.