The SEI-SHRM chapter is excited to partner with Parsons Behle & Latimer for our 2023 Half-Day Employment Law Conference on October 19, 2023!
Legal updates have become more important than ever. Stay on top of latest trends and advice on how to handle the new evolving workplace!
Presenting As a Team, our speakers are Kaleigh C. Boyer, Michael Judd, Garrett M. Kitamura, Sean A. Monson, and Mark D. Tolman
from Parsons Behle & Latimer Law Firm
Employment Law Update Sessions I and II
HR Professionals have had their hands full keeping track of the many and varied employment law developments over the last year. These sessions will cover key regulatory and legislative developments impacting employers including, EEOC initiatives, increased NLRB enforcement in non-union workplaces, DOL proposals concerning independent contractors and FLSA exemptions, FTC proposals to ban non-competes, and the newly enacted federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP Act.
Manager Common BIG Mistakes: Case Studies in Lessons Learned Too Late
Every HR Professional has seen it--a manager simply doesn’t recognize the importance of an HR-law issue until a problem is already out of hand. Examples are everywhere: a manager skeptical about the importance of documentation, a manager who fails to show care when disciplining an employee who has just complained about discrimination, a manager who rejects the idea of providing an accommodation to a disabled employee. This presentation highlights real world case studies, pulled from actual court decisions, that will paint a picture for managers on the importance of HR law—and how you may turn your unbelieving managers into believeHRs.
Location: Holiday Inn & Suites - 3005 South Fork Boulevard, Idaho Falls 83402
A light breakfast will be provided at 7:30 am, with sessions beginning promptly at 8:00 am.
This will be an in-person only event.
Sponsored by Parsons Behle & Latimer Law Firm
Event will be eligible for three (3) SHRM and HRCI credits.
Parsons will provide CLE to any attorney that attends and submit the credit on their behalf.